Wednesday, May 6, 2009

30 Days to Finding and Keeping Sassy Sidekicks and BFFs

30 Days to Finding and Keeping Sassy Sidekicks and BFFs (Wow, that’s a really long title!)is a guide to getting the right kind of friends and keeping ‘em once you’ve snagged them.

Would it be wrong of me to say that I didn’t take thirty days to read this book? Or that I didn’t do all of the activities and listen to all of the songs that were suggested? Well, the truth is, I didn’t. However, I did find this book to be a really cool read, and definitely found some things I’ll have to try in the future!

It's been awhile since I have read a guide, but if I find more like this one, I'd happily read it! It's a very fun, light, and fast read. And it made me think, a lot.

Clea Hantman’s voice is so clear and fun. It feels like she’s just sitting next to you having a conversation. She gives great advice, and I especially liked the section that deals with the infamous frenemies. We’ve all had at least a couple!

Overall, this book is a great read that really does offer valid tips on getting and keeping friends. Plus, the songs and activities that I did do were pretty awesome!

My rating- 4/5 stars

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