Saturday, August 29, 2009

Macbeth (Play)

When you want to be an undisputed king, how far would you go to get rid of your competition? Follow Macbeth and his friends and family as lives are lost, guilt is dealt with, and learn just how short life can be.

Since this was a Shakespearean tragedy, there was a whole bunch of, well, tragedy. Although I found the constant plotting and killing a bit tiresome, overall I really enjoyed this play. I found myself reading it aloud to myself simply to hear the way the words rolled. It's quite lyrical.

Sometimes I found myself wondering if the characters were just acting crazy or if they actually had some sort of mental problem. I found myself shaking my head at their actions more than once. Now I've added another play that I want to see on stage, as it was meant to be seen. It certainly was interesting.

This review was part of A Shakespearean Summer, hosted by Liv's Book Reviews.

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