In My Mailbox (1)

I got Girl With a Pearl Earring by Tracy Chevalier because a friend was talking about how amazing the movie was. I figure that if I'm going to watch a movie, I should probably read the book first. The Search for Significance by Robert S. McGee because I guess I need help on knowing why I'm on this earth in the first place. The Five People You Meet in Heaven by Mitch Albom is another book I picked up because of a different friend's ravings about the movie. The story line on this one looks really interesting! I bought The Man who Listens to Horses by Monty Roberts because I'm a horse lover, and I've heard that he really does have a gift of being a modern day horse whisperer. Don't Shoot, It's Only Me by Bob Hope; Oh my goodness, do you remember this guy? He was an absolutely hilarious comedian! I've watched a few episodes of his show on DVD, and I absolutely loved them. I think this should be an interesting read. God's Gift by Dee Henderson I bought because I read The O'Malley Series by the same author, and I really enjoyed them. Hopefully I'll enjoy this book just as much! The God's of Newport by John Jakes looks absolutely wonderful! Every book I've read by this author has been captivating, so I hope I'm not disappointed by this one! I picked up Mr. Darcy Take a Wife by Linda Berdoll because I've heard that this is one of the best Pride and Prejudice continuations out there. I've never read a continuation of P&P before, so I thought I should start off right. Speak by Laurie Halse Anderson looks like quite an important book to read. I've heard much about Anderson's newest release, Wintergirls, and I've heard good things about this book as well. Last, but certainly not least, is Texas by James Michener. My dad has been a Michener fan since he read Hawaii around 30 years ago, so I figured I should get started on a Michener book as well.
Well, that's all I recieved in my mailbox and from a book sale. What did you get this week?