Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Current Contests: May '08

Hi guys! I was contemplating what to post today since I haven't finished reading Eldest yet. (There might be a review of it up tomorrow, it really just depends on how much reading time I get today.) Anyway, as I've been looking at different blogs, I've noticed that many host contests. This post will just cover a few contests going around the blogosphere. So... Here we go!

First off, Presenting Lenore is holding a contest for a signed paperback copy of No One You Know by Michelle Richmond (ends May 19th).

Books By Their Cover is holding a giveaway for a signed copy of How to Buy a Love of Reading by Tanya Egan Gibson (ends May 31st).

Books By Their Cover is holding a giveaway for a chance to win 21 books (ends July 4th)!

The Shady Glade hosts weekly contests.

The Novel Bookworm is holding A Book a Day in the Month of May contest.

Kidlit.com is holding a contest offering TMI by Sarah Quigley, Breathing by Cheryl Renee Herbsman, or Sliding on the Edge by C. Lee McKenzie (Hurry! This one ends May 13th!).

Reviewer X is holding a contest to win one of two hardcover copies of Waiting for You by Susanne Colasanti (ends May 16th).

And lastly, Writing it Out is holding a Massive Book Giveaway with two winners (ends May 16th).

Well, that's all I've got! I figure I'll do a current contest post around once a month(ish). Go out and have some fun!!

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