Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Singin' with the Windows Rolled Down

My review of Eldest shall be up tomorrow. Promise. It would have been up today, only I had almost no reading time yesterday. My in-training teen CERT (Community Emergency Respons Team) went to our county's EOC (Emergency Operation Center), so my day was filled up with schoolwork, taking a tour of the center, and hanging out with my friends afterwards. BUT, I'm almost done with Eldest! So far, so good.

If you look up on my header you'll see it says mostly books, so that means there could be times when it's not about books at all, right? Well, this is one of those times, simply because I wanted to share what I'm doing with you.

I went to bed at two and got up at six this morning. After eating breakfast my dad and I put our bags in the truck and headed out! Where were we headed, you might ask? To St. Augustine, Florida! Of course, with St. Augustine all the way across the state, we had to make a stop on the way to see the Stephen Foster Memorial. (Don't know who he is? Short story; amazing songwriter) And so, to the right, that's a picture of a gorgeous piano and painting at the Memorial. It was so cool! While I was there it felt like I stepped back in time.

As far as the title to this post, that was my dad. The ENTIRE way down. Thankfully, he has a pretty good voice, or else I don't know what I would have done! It's all good, though. We had fun, and I'll admit, I even joined in a couple times!

Now, we're safely deposited in a motel not too far from St. Augustine, and tomorrow will be spent perusing the historic part of the city. *sigh* I just love history! I can't wait!

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